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Consistency From Leadership When Setting A New Direction
A key strategic moment for a crew during a race is taking the stroke rate up. If you have watched rowing, this moment looks like a surge of power. One boat moves on another, and with each stroke, moves farther past its competitor. In the boat, it’s an exhilarating moment when executed properly. ….The boat…
How Catching a Crab Taught me a Lesson in Performance Management
Catching a crab while rowing is a very dramatic moment. If you are picturing a crab hanging off the end of an oar, one pincher holding on stubbornly, the other ready to significantly damage anything that comes close, allow me to clarify. Catching a crab is when the rower’s blade gets trapped in the water…
When the Coxswain Says “Um”
I started rowing again this spring after a 30 year pause. The last time I rowed was in college. I was in my 20’s – fit, fearless and flexible. Now in my 50’s I find I am more cautious and clumsy. It feels different to be a 50 year old rower than a 20 year…